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Links to other websites of interest

Please contact us if you have other links to suggest

Jewish history of Romania
Jewish history of the region of Moldavia
Jewish history of the region of Galici
Jewish Web Index - very useful webpage about Jewish Romania with lots of research links.
Jewish history of Iasi
Alternative spellings for Iasi and other geographical data
Iasi today with references to Jewish heritage
Image of The Great Synagogue, Iasi
Stan Goodman's visit to Iasi (Jassy), with pictures
More images from Iasi (Jassy)

Live Webcam feed from Iasi
Radio Iasi - Live broadcast

JewishGen, the home of Jewish Genealogy

'My Childhood in the Shadow of the Holocaust' by Mali Haimovitch-Hirsh

Jews From Iasi (Jassy) Who Survived the Transports

History of Jewish migration to the UK and on to other countries.

The Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter. From the 1886-1914, every ship carrying Jewish migrants to the UK was met by a representative of the Shelter. Searchable database.

The Jewish Immigrant in England 1870-1914 is a full analysis and description of that section of the great Jewish migration from eastern Europe which settled in Britain - around 120,000 Jews.

Photo of the Fusgeyers, circa 1900, who were Romanian Jews who walked for hundreds of miles to Hamburg. They walked in groups, sometimes whole families walked together. A novel, published in June 2004, called The Wayfarers of 1904, by Stuart Tower, records the fictional story of sixty young men and women that left Romania on foot seeking a better life in America. Read readers reviews, official press release and link to 'The Wayfarers' at Amazon.co.uk (or Amazon.com).